Donate Hope
Association To Preserve the Woman
British Institute of Learning Disabilities (BILD)
Bulgarienhilfe Oberschwaben Association
Center for strategies by the problems for the minorities
Community/Cultural Centre Yavin-2004
EASPD (European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities)
Federation of social NGOs in Bulgaria (FSSB)
Organisations of the European Care Certificate in Europe
International Society for Mobile Youth Work (ISMO)
Complex for social services for children and youth
Monsignor Petko Hristov - bishop of the Diocese of Nicopolis
National Alliance for Social Responsibility (NASO)
National Alliance for Volunteer Action (NAVA) Foundation
National Network for the Children (NMD)
School of Dobri Voynikov
School of Father Paisius
Soroptimist International (SI) Ravensburg/Weingarten
Association To Preserve the Woman
British Institute of Learning Disabilities (BILD)
Bulgarienhilfe Oberschwaben Association
Center for strategies by the problems for the minorities
Community/Cultural Centre Yavin-2004
EASPD (European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities)
Federation of social NGOs in Bulgaria (FSSB)
Organisations of the European Care Certificate in Europe
International Society for Mobile Youth Work (ISMO)
Complex for social services for children and youth
Monsignor Petko Hristov - bishop of the Diocese of Nicopolis
National Alliance for Social Responsibility (NASO)
National Alliance for Volunteer Action (NAVA) Foundation
National Network for the Children (NMD)
School of Dobri Voynikov
School of Father Paisius
Soroptimist International (SI) Ravensburg/Weingarten

Bank account in EUR
IBAN: BG06 PRCB 9230 1410175810
Bank account in BGN
IBAN: BG83 PRCB 9230 1010175815
In favor of:
ARE St. Andrew BGSNTS Varna
ARE St. Andrew BGSNTS Varna