Donate Hope
Agnes Philippine Walter Foundation
Aktion Mensch Association
BIGENT (Education – Health – Development)
Danube-networkers Ulm within ILEU Association
EU (Daphne; Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme)
EU (Erasmus+)
EU (Joint Actions)
EU (Leonardo da Vinci)
72-hours campaign of the federation of the catholic youth (BDKJ) in the deanery of Friedrichshafen and of the Bodensee district
Kindermissionswerk Die Sternsinger Association
Kirill Georgieff Foundation
Liebenau Foundation
Renovabis Association
School of Theodor Heuss Offenburg
Secours Catholique Caritas France
St. Andrew Social Association’s Circle of Friends
St. Francis Heiligenbronn Foundation
Varna Municipality, Department Education (Directorate Education and Youth Work)
Varna Municipality (Directorate Preventions)
Vocational training centre Adolf Aich
Youth centre bowl Offenburg
Agnes Philippine Walter Foundation
Aktion Mensch Association
BIGENT (Education – Health – Development)
Danube-networkers Ulm within ILEU Association
EU (Daphne; Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme)
EU (Erasmus+)
EU (Joint Actions)
EU (Leonardo da Vinci)
72-hours campaign of the federation of the catholic youth (BDKJ) in the deanery of Friedrichshafen and of the Bodensee district
Kindermissionswerk Die Sternsinger Association
Kirill Georgieff Foundation
Liebenau Foundation
Renovabis Association
School of Theodor Heuss Offenburg
Secours Catholique Caritas France
St. Andrew Social Association’s Circle of Friends
St. Francis Heiligenbronn Foundation
Varna Municipality, Department Education (Directorate Education and Youth Work)
Varna Municipality (Directorate Preventions)
Vocational training centre Adolf Aich
Youth centre bowl Offenburg

Bank account in EUR
IBAN: BG06 PRCB 9230 1410175810
Bank account in BGN
IBAN: BG83 PRCB 9230 1010175815
In favor of:
ARE St. Andrew BGSNTS Varna
ARE St. Andrew BGSNTS Varna